Unit Price: 119.59 ( x 1: 119.59)
Package unit 5 ml drops
Origin Country: Bangladesh
Commercial Pack 1
Price per pack 119.59
Package unit 5 ml drops
Price per unit 119.59


Dermatological/Topical Agent , Topical Antiinfective Agent , Ophthalmic Preparation , Antiinfective and Steroid Combination

Dexamethasone + Gatifloxacin

Dexamethasone + Gatifloxacin is a combination medication used in the treatment of bacterial eye infections. It is available as ophthalmic solution.


This medication is indicated for-

  • Bacterial eye infections
  • Corneal injury caused by chemicals, physical objects, fire.

The recommended dose is 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac 3 to 4 times daily.

How to apply eye drops:

Commonly associated side effects of this medication are-

  • Eye redness
  • Mild burning

Prolonged use of this medication may cause an increase of intra-ocular pressure and growth of resistant organisms.


This medication is contraindicated in-

  • Patients who are hypersensitive to any component of the medication and other fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as-
  • Ocular infections caused by virus.

There is no known contraindications of the medication in terms of food and drinks.

There is no known contraindications of the medication in terms of health condition